Our Vision & Mission
Our Vision
Restoring families back to a fully functional unit, according to God’s origianl plan.
Our Mission
Dedicated to educating, feeding, clothing, and sheltering families in need of these basic neccessities according to Matthew 25:35-40.
In a classroom at Beulah Heights Bible College in 2001, the Lord gave Luther Washington an assignment and showed him the vision of a ministry that would impact his life in an awesome way. But like many, Luther decided to tuck the vision that God had given him on the shelf. He thought that the vision was too big for him to carry out. Mentally defeated, he asked, “Why bother?”

God showed Luther that America had a lot of hurting children with a strong silent cry for help. God showed Luther that this cry came from a lack of family structure. The vision was to create a place where marriages, relationships and families can be restored back to His original plan. Still, thinking that the task was too large, Luther still did not act on it.
Therefore, God had to show Luther how important this vision was to Him. In February 2006, through no fault of his own, Luther lost his job. In March of the same year, while driving down Mableton Parkway, he was drawn to the old Racquetworld building that had become an eyesore to the community. The building had been vacant for more than 10 years and was in atrocious condition. The building was full of graffiti, broken windows, drug paraphernalia, human waste and mildew. It was not a pretty sight.

Luther decided to climb through one of the windows and take a look inside. As he walked the building the vision began to unfold and the purpose for every room was revealed. Afterwards, Luther and his brother Tyrone, prayed and asked God to let His will be done if this was the place for the vision to come to fruition. Shortly after looking at the building, Luther took a trip to the tax office to find the owners of the building. As favor would have it, the lady he talked to at the office had talked to the owners the previous day and still had their information on her desk. Luther called, set up a meeting and found that the building was being scheduled for demolition.
Negotiations with the owners of Racquetworld was a tedious uphill battle that eventually led to a Town Hall meeting where Luther presented God’s vision to the people. Six months later, September 2006, he signed a contract for the building located at 6105 Mableton Parkway.

Extensive work and remodeling has been done and continues on the Family Life Restoration Center. Walls and floors have been replaced. The building has been rewired and painted. The “auditorium” has been transformed into a gymnasium during the day and will eventually serve as a Christian Club/Café on weekends. Many people have donated their time and talents to help with the work that is being done. Some just walk in off the street and offer their services because they “heard” about the work that is being done. The Family Life Center is indeed a “faith” based organization.
This is the beginning of a mighty move of God. Luther continuously marvels at how God has moved on the hearts of men to bring His vision to fruition.